
How many leaders use “making money” as a way to contain pain instead of creating positive value for others and themselves? This was my story – which I share in this inaugural episode of the Nature of Money podcast. At age 30, I was exceptionally “successful” … I was leading a sizable global funding project … Nature of Money Episode 1 – My Journey into Becoming a Money Therapist

The research and science is showing us that 90% of our financial decisions are based on emotion, only 10% is based on analysis or logic. So what’s happening for you in your emotional wealth zone has a lot to do with what’s going on for you financially. I’ve come to realize, in my two decades … Nature of Money Episode 2 – My Journey to Unpacking the Living Wealthy Model

The aftermath of 2020 has left so many feeling so very tender. Anger, sadness, anxiety are common yet so many want to turn away from FEELING. However, Feeling our feelings is NOT overrated because our feelings are our NORTH STAR – showing us – telling us exactly where we are in our own inner experience. … Nature of Money Episode 3 – Get F*CKing Emotional: Finding Gold in Your Emotional Life

Tell me, how do you ride a rollercoaster? Do you close your eyes and wait for it to all be over? Do you grip tightly and hold your breath? Do you hide in the back trying to pretend it’s not happening? Or are you the hands up, full out screaming type? As a young girl, … Rollercoaster – A cautionary tale to becoming a millionaire

It was the day before they’d walk on a stage and stand before the sharks on Shark Tank to present their business for funding and these two ladies, they were sharp, intelligent, witty, they had a fantastic product, and they were ‘ready’. But something was off. Now I had gone as far as gathering a … More Than Numbers: The Deeper Truth Behind Your Big Investor Pitch

In a world consumed by the pursuit of material wealth, many of us find ourselves trapped in a cycle of longing, disappointment, and unfulfilled desires. We seek financial security and success, hoping it will bring us the happiness and fulfillment we crave. But deep down, we know that money alone cannot heal the ache within … Cultivating Sacred Wealth: Unlocking Abundance and Igniting Your Joy-Filled Financial Journey

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes we are faced with tragedies that can shake us to our core. However, there are individuals who, instead of succumbing to despair, rise above their circumstances and transform their tragedies into triumphant missions. In this blog post, we will explore the power of embracing life’s … Transforming Tragedy into a Triumphant Mission: Unleashing the Gift & Power of Life’s Challenges

In the whirlwind of life, many of us find ourselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, yearning for fulfillment and financial stability. We witness the daily challenges of individuals like Emma, a determined entrepreneur and a loving mother, who experience the consistent struggle in finding balance amidst chaos. But within her story lies profound lessons and … Shifting from Emotional Poverty to Living Wealthy: A Journey to Financial Liberation

(Based on a conversation between Jennifer Love and John Bagdasarian) In our deepest struggles, we often find ourselves in a search for meaning, grasping for hope to guide us through. But hope, while a beacon in the darkness, is a double-edged sword that can empower or entrap us, depending on where we place our attention … The Power of Hope and the Pain of Heartbreak

The most innovative path to living a life of maximum satisfaction. KEY POINTS: The All to Common Obstacle: Our quest for fulfillment is often hindered by Emotional Poverty. The Inaccurate Pursuit of Happiness: Our pursuit of happiness is contributing to the “never-enough-syndrome”. Imperative ROI of Living Wealthy: Practicing Living Wealthy yields substantial returns in three … The Imperative Quest to Live Wealthy