The Wealthy Life Assessment
We’ve made this assessment super easy peasy lemon squeeeeeeezy for you! For each prompt, move the slider to the percentage that you believe best represents how the statement is true for you today. what your life looks like today.

Loving Warning!
What you learn about yourself with the Wealthy Life Assessment is not to bring you down. It’s a fun little reality check. I’m asking you to be honest with yourself so that you have a starting place to grow from. Every single one of us can grow from wherever we are today. Also, notice the patterns of your answers. Are you someone who tends to lean on the hopeful side of your answers? Or are you habitually hard on yourself? How we answer can tell us just as much as what we answer! Work toward being unfiltered and honest. See what happens!
Important Note:
When you select your answer, select the answer that is true RIGHT NOW. This is NOT what you hope or wish for yourself in the future.
{{ options.slide_title[0] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Somatic Wealth Score = {{ somatic_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Somatic Wealth = 100%
{{ options.slide_title[1] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Mental Wealth Score = {{ mental_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Mental Wealth = 100%
{{ options.slide_title[2] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Emotional Wealth Score = {{ emotional_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Emotional Wealth = 100%
{{ options.slide_title[3] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Interpersonal Wealth Score = {{ interpersonal_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Interpersonal Wealth = 100%
{{ options.slide_title[4] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Energetic Wealth Score = {{ energetic_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Energetic Wealth = 100%
{{ options.slide_title[5] }}
Use the sliders to indicate how true each statement is for you.
Your Financial Wealth Score = {{ financial_wealth_progress }}
Total Possible Financial Wealth = 100%
Wealthy Life Assessment Final Result
Your Total Wealthy Life Score = {{ overall_average }}%
Total Possible Wealthy Life Score = 100%
Take the next step!
To receive prompts and reflections from your Wealthy Life Assessment results for taking specific steps towards even more wholistic wealth in your life, share your best contact details here.